In our fast-paced world, you might often feel the need to slow down. Meditation has gained popularity as a potentially helpful way to calm nerves. With regular practice, you may find that meditation can help you combat stress and support relaxation. Read ahead for details on the possible benefits of meditation and how to incorporate meditation into your life.
What is the power of meditation?
A meditation practice involves focusing your attention to reduce the mental noise of excessive or intrusive thoughts (1). According to John Hopkins University research, the practice of meditation and mindfulness is similar to exercising any other muscle (2). This means it takes time and regular effort to build.
Meditation is also similar to consistent exercise in that a meditation practice has the potential to provide numerous mental and physical benefits. The Mayo Clinic notes that with regular practice, meditation can reduce stress and increase a sense of peace and calm (1). Working meditation into your life can make it possible to transport yourself to a calmer place without moving an inch.
How long should you meditate for?
It can be helpful to start small and incrementally increase your meditations’ length over time. Neda Gould, associate director of the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Anxiety Disorders Clinic, recommends starting with a daily 10- to 20-minute meditation (2). Gould also suggests working your way up to a 40-minute practice over time.
Beginners that are just warming up to the idea of daily meditation may want to start with five minutes per day (3). This small goal can make it easier to turn your meditation practice into a daily habit. As you get started, using an audio-guided meditation can help you refocus if your mind wanders (2). With time, a daily meditation practice can teach you how to turn every space into one of comfort and calm.
How to incorporate meditation into your life
Meditation may invoke images of sitting in a silent room, but it’s possible to practice focusing your mind amid many aspects of daily living. Here are a few ways to soak up mindful moments throughout your day.
Do something that brings you joy
There’s a certain state of flow you can sometimes find when you’re immersed in your favorite activities (4). You can practice mindful moments when you’re doing something creative, submerging yourself in nature, or even enjoying your favorite meal. Each can be the perfect time to focus on the present moment and quiet your distracting thoughts. Brief instances of meditation can transform what you see and how you see it.
Be present while you wait
Sometimes, the moments in between your daily tasks and activities can be a great opportunity to practice focusing with meditation. You can take advantage of instances such as being stuck in traffic or waiting in line to try centering your mind. Even ordinary tasks like brushing your teeth can be a chance to drop into the present moment. Adding a meditation practice into these daily tasks can shift your perspective in the blink of an eye.
Include meditation in your bedtime routine
Meditation’s potential calming effect can help you get a good night’s rest. A regular meditation practice can help reduce your heart rate and activate the parts of the brain that regulate sleep (5). Incorporating meditation into your nightly ritual can put you in the right mindspace to peacefully drift off to slumberland.
You can use helpful tools such as audio or ambient lighting to settle into a meditation mindset. The BlissRadia, for example, promotes concentration and tranquility with gentle, colorful lighting. Right from your phone, you can switch to night light mode, adjust the brightness, and even set this soothing light to automatically power down. It’s a great way to transform your surroundings so you can wind down without leaving the comfort of your bed.

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Fine-tune your breathing
When you’re not sure how to focus your mind during meditation, your breath can serve as an anchor to guide you. In fact, focusing your breath is central to the practice of meditation (1). Different meditation styles may even employ specific breathing techniques, and you may choose to concentrate on slowing down each inhale and exhale (1). Taking time for a few intentional deep breaths can be a simple way to add meditation into your daily life (1). Bringing yourself back to your breath can go far in transforming your mental state and personal space.
Take moments for self-care
Self-care practices can offer you space to center yourself. Putting on a face mask or relaxing in a luxurious bubble bath can be a great time to focus on the present. Daily exercise like yoga or walking can even be its own form of meditation (1). However you approach self-care, taking a moment for yourself can also be a time to concentrate and see your world in a whole new light.
5 tips for building a daily meditation practice
If you think adopting a daily meditation practice might benefit you, starting can be as easy as taking a few simple steps. Here are a few suggestions for learning how to meditate every day.
1. Begin with small steps
Any length of meditation can help you relieve stress, even if you only meditate for just a few minutes every day. If you’re just starting to get your feet wet with meditation, it’s okay if you start small. A five-minute daily mindfulness practice can help incorporate meditation into your routine. Just a little bit of mindfulness can help you create serene moments each day.
2. Find a style that works for you
There are many types of meditation to choose from (1). If you want to commit to your practice long-term, it may be a good idea to commit to one method. You may choose to focus on a specific mantra or find that you benefit from walking meditation or another style of movement mindfulness (1). It’s all about finding which kind of meditation holds the power to transport you.
3. Pick a time that works for you and stick to it
Some people may find it easier to meditate in the morning, while others might prefer evening meditation. Finding the right time of day for yourself can help you achieve your meditation goals (6). Choose a time to meditate that works with your schedule so that you can establish a consistent routine. Committing to a time each day can help meditation turn into a daily habit more easily (6).
4. Check in with yourself
One of the most common meditation techniques is to conduct a quick body scan (1). This practice involves focusing on different parts of your body, one at a time, from head to toe (1). Scanning your body can increase awareness and release tension (1), thus bringing calm.
5. Use your space to create moments of comfort
If you’re trying to get into a peaceful mindset, creating a cozy environment can help. You can use serene decor or surround yourself with pillows to set up a comfortable meditation corner. Soft lighting can also imbue any space with a relaxing atmosphere.
The Sky Lite Evolve can instantly change any space into an awe-inspiring place of magic. You can control the Evolve’s gently-colored nebula clouds and astonishing arrays of stars right from your phone. You can also sync it directly to Google Home or Alexa to literally speak your tranquility into existence. You’ll transport yourself to the stars with the push of a button and sink right into a meditative state.

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Create a peaceful meditation moment with BlissLights
No matter where you start, adding meditation to your day-to-day routine can have a positive impact on your state of mind. From improving concentration to decreasing anxiety (1), a meditation practice can make a big difference in your physical and mental state. Tools like BlissLights can help put you in the right frame of mind to focus and let the stress melt away. Browse the BlissLights collection now to create a meditation mood that’s just right for you.
- Mayo Clinic. “Meditation: A Simple, Fast Way to Reduce Stress.”, 2022.
- John Hopkins Medicine. “Need Stress Relief? Try Mindfulness Meditation.”, accessed December 2022.
- Cuncic, Arlin. “How Long Should You Meditate?”, 2021.
- Balter, Judith. “7 Ways to Easily Incorporate Meditation Into Your Daily Life.”, accessed December 2022.
- Nunez, Kristin. “3 Ways to Meditate for Better Sleep.”, 2020.
- Raypole, Crystal. “7 Tips for Building a Daily Meditation Practice.”, 2020.
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