You have a room for every important activity in your house, but do you have a dedicated place to simply be still, quiet, and in the moment? Creating a home meditation space can help carve out room (and time) to just be alone with ourselves and our minds. The thing is, not many people know where to start creating a space like this. They may be restricted by space issues, harsh lighting, or don’t know how to decorate it for maximum comfort. If you’ve ever wondered how to create a meditation space at home, here’s everything you need to know.
Why should you create a meditation space?
Meditation is celebrated for its many physical and mental benefits. Studies suggest that regular meditation may help improve memory, increase patience, bolster sleep, and help manage stress, among other perks.
It may all sound great on paper, but meditation is much easier said than done. Decluttering your mind is no simple task, and setting the right stage is key. Creating this dedicated space signals to your body and mind that it’s time to tune out of the day’s distractions and tune in to your breathing. This can help you settle into the appropriate headspace to begin your meditation practice, whether you recently picked up this habit or it’s been a part of your life for years.
13 tips for creating a meditation space at home
You don’t need a big home or expensive props to create a meditation space at home. Meditating at home is about creating a comfortable routine that will help you stick with the practice. A dedicated place is simply one significant part of the equation. Here are 13 tips for creating a space that inspires and encourages you to commit to this important practice.
1. Decide where you want to meditate
A home meditation space doesn’t need to be an entire room, or even a big part of your room. There can actually be an advantage to creating a cozier, smaller space. The main requirement is that it be somewhere you won’t be disturbed. Choose a quiet spot away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of your home. If you have a room with a peaceful view of nature, whether it's a garden, trees, or the water, that is an ideal choice.
2. Keep the space uncluttered
Nothing is more distracting than clutter when you are trying to empty your mind and get into your meditation zone. That’s backed by science: a Princeton University study confirmed the correlation. Clutter isn’t just untidy paperwork or toys, either: It can also be objects that you don’t use every day, but are still in your line of sight. Put away those distractions—especially electronics like TVs, laptops, tablets and cellphones—when it’s time to unclutter your mind.
3. Pick relaxing music
Don’t put away your speaker when you stash your devices away to meditate! Soothing instrumentals or a guided meditation track can get you into the right headspace to meditate at home. If you do need to use your smartphone or laptop to play music, keep the device out of sight, and opt for something ad-free so the commercials don’t break your concentration.
4. Try a noise machine
If you find music or words distracting while meditating, a noise machine may be just the trick. While they’re often used for sleeping, a noise machine can block out the noise that keeps you from focusing on your breathing while meditating.
5. Keep decor minimal
All you need to meditate is yourself -- no accessories required -- but you may wish to include some special objects to help you focus. Keep the decor simple in your meditation space; only incorporate objects that have meaning and help elevate your practice. Some examples are a singing bowl, mala beads, or a simple painting.
6. Surround yourself with soft colors
Bolder colors may be suitable for energetic activities, but you’ll want to go with softer hues for meditation. Keep this in mind when picking decor for your space as well. The less busy the color, the easier it is for your mind to unwind.
7. Use gentle, relaxing lighting
One of the simplest and most accessible ways to create a relaxing environment is with your lighting setup. Replace your standard white or yellow bulbs with LED lights that illuminate in calming colors like turquoise and pastel pink. You can also open the blinds and let the sunshine stream in for a peaceful moment or two in natural light.
8. Try lights with patterns that help you relax
Light has a huge effect on mood, and it’s not just the color that can evoke stillness in your mind and body. Patterns can help you drift into the right headspace for meditation. Try the BlissLights Sky Lite Evolve galaxy light projector, which projects swirling clouds onto your walls and ceiling for an otherworldly meditation ambience. Blue light in particular can have a relaxing effect; the journal PLoS ONE published a study in 2017 that found it could decrease stress and promote relaxation.

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The latest evolution in smart galaxy lighting.
9. Light a candle
Candlelight can help relax your mind and body. The very ritual of lighting the candle can be a clear marker that “me time” has started so you get into the right headspace. Choose your favorite scent to engage your sense of smell or light a fragrance-free pillar candle and bask in its glow. For flame-free options, try a battery operated or rechargeable LED candle; some models can even change colors.
10. Incorporate soft furnishings
Don’t forget to engage all five of your senses. Nurture the sense of touch by rounding out your meditation space with comfortable and cozy accessories you likely already have in your home. A furry cushion, smooth rug, or your favorite armchair can all contribute to this feeling of comfort.
11. Include relaxing scents
Including scent into your practice can help further your relaxation and help you settle into the proper headspace for meditation. Use principles of aromatherapy to pick the most relaxing essential oils, such as lavender, or just select the scent that’s most appealing to you. Use an oil diffuser or an incense stick.
12. Bring plants into the space
Plants bring a piece of grounding nature into your meditation space. Easy to care for greenery or succulents can help you connect with the world around you. If you can’t place yours near a window or your meditation space is not well lit with sunlight, select a snake plant or a ZZ plant, both types that thrive in low lighting.
13. Have something personal or sacred to you nearby
Some meditators find comfort in including a special object with deep personal meaning into their practice. Add a photo, religious text, or an item that’s been with you since you started your practice to help you clear your mind and stay grounded.
Create a meditation space at home with the right lighting
Meditation is hard work, but it comes with great payoff: those who practice it find themselves more connected with themselves and in tune with the world around them. Creating a meditation space at home helps you find the few minutes you need each day to leave the world behind, declutter your mind, and focus on your breathing. Whether your meditation practice is enhanced by a scented candle, a BlissLights laser light bulb, or a soothing playlist, there’s no wrong way to create a meditation space at home: what’s most important is that it works for you.

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