The BlissBlog

Discover unique lighting ideas to transform your surroundings and elevate your space.

In recent years, silent discos have hit the main stage with their individualized music choices and customizable volume controls. They can be parties truly suited for everyone, and hosting your own silent disco can be much easier than you might think. 

Fri, Jul 29, 22

When choosing between warm lighting vs. cool lighting, you should think about your desired aesthetic and purpose. You’ll probably want both color temperatures in different spaces throughout your home. Read on to discover your warm and cool lighting choices!

Mon, Jul 25, 22

Maybe people have told you that you have good energy or that you’re a negative Nancy. This can happen to anyone – everyone’s energies shift throughout the day. You can become more resilient when faced with aggravating situations if your mindset stays positive.

Fri, Jun 24, 22

Creating a cozy, cute, quiet space may be just what you need to inspire your kids to experience the joys of reading. Whether your kids are reading about space adventures or classic fairy tales, these kids’ reading nook ideas will have them hooked on books.

Fri, Jun 10, 22

It’s tempting to view a laundry room as a space for chores, but it doesn’t mean it can’t be cute and comfortable. Revamping your laundry space can increase your storage and functionality while infusing a sense of home into your surroundings. Try these 21 DIY laundry room makeover ideas for inspiration. 

Mon, Jun 06, 22

Waking up with headaches, sore muscles, and fatigue isn’t how you want to start the day. A sleep cleanse is a great antidote that lets your body repair itself. Here’s how to detox your sleep routine.

Mon, May 30, 22

An emotional escape room is a space designed to allow you to unload stress and achieve a state of pure relaxation. This space can help you find calm, comfort, and serenity – here’s how to create one in your home.

Mon, Apr 11, 22

Although college can be an exciting adventure for the soon-to-be-student in your life, sometimes, being so far away from home can get lonely. Care packages are almost like being there with your loved one in person. But what should you put inside?

Mon, Apr 04, 22

The key to transforming your home into a day spa is to have items that make you feel better and create a relaxing environment. Learn about the at-home spa essentials you’ll need to gain some mental clarity and restore your balance.

Fri, Apr 01, 22

Whether for your nightly routine or a special at-home spa day, the right color temperature for a bathroom supports both relaxation and practical needs. Here’s what you need to know as you create your immersive space.

Fri, Mar 25, 22

The right lighting color can change how you complete an activity, decorate your room, or let your mind unwind at the end of the day. The best color-changing LED lights effortlessly light up your space and transition colors to match your every mood. 

Mon, Mar 14, 22

Do the frigid temperatures and dangling icicles leave you wishing for warmer weather? While lighting can’t quite raise the temperature outside, it can set the right cozy mood inside.

Mon, Feb 28, 22

It’s one thing to line your bookcase with books and collectibles, but it’s another thing to really show them off. Finding one-of-a-kind lights is the perfect way to transform your boring bookcase into the centerpiece of a room. 

Mon, Feb 14, 22

Do you ever have those days where you sit down to work and feel completely unmotivated? Then, the simple addition of unique work desk accessories might spark some inspiration.

Fri, Jan 14, 22

Cool mood lighting is a must for perfecting the ambiance in any room. Read on to discover how lighting can affect your mood and find seven cool mood lighting ideas to add to your interior design. 

Fri, Jan 07, 22

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